UX/ UI Latest project

Whiplash project  

Music app - In progress january 2024

Music app and branding- Work in Progress (January 2024)

I am excited to share my ongoing UX design project aimed at creating an app for a new music sharing app concept from my current UX design course. 

I have been tasked with crafting an intuitive and engaging app experience for independent musicians and fans. This project is still in its early stages, and I would like to provide a glimpse into the thought process and initial concepts that are shaping this exciting endeavour.

Project background:

The client is a start-up that wants me to develop Whiplash, a new platform for sharing music, podcast and digital videos, specially oriented to independent musicians who do not have big producers support.

Project key components:

Project goals and research

Details in Behance

MVP and flows

Details in Behance

UX/ UI previous projects
